For communities perilously living in flood prone areas, access to basic resources and opportunities is a perpetual challenge. River islands especially lack basic infrastructure and services such as healthcare, education, power, drinking water and sanitation. People risk the weather and flooding rivers, and make long journeys in difficult terrains to get basic health services such as vaccination, mother and child care, medicines, minor operations, etc. Medical emergencies can be particularly harrowing. Same challenges are prevalent across the sundarbans in Bangladesh, coastal areas of Rakhine in Myanmar, the lakes of Cambodia, and many other areas. …healthcare, education, power, drinking water and sanitation. …health services such as vaccination, mother and child care, medicines, minor operations, etc…
The Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW), one of South Asia’s leading policy research institutions, today issued a new report concluding that distributed solar energy can play a major role in bridging India’s massive gap in delivering rural healthcare services, both as a primary and backup source of power. Currently, 1 in 2 rural Primary Health Centers (PHCs) in India suffer from lack of electricity or irregular power supply, with over 38 million households depending on PHCs that have zero electricity access. …healthcare services, both as a primary and backup source of power. …Health Centers (PHCs) in India suffer from lack of electricity or irregular power supply, with over 38 million households depending on PHCs that have zero electricity access…
Power for All had a significant presence at the SEforALL Forum. CEO Kristina Skierka joined a high-level panel on “Electricity for All in Sub-Saharan Africa”, and research director Rebekah Shirley guided an interactive working session called the “Energy Access Dividend- Data that Informs and Influences”, looking at how to further research on socio-economic impacts of electricity access, with participation from Acumen, Duke University, RVE.SOL, wPower Hub and the World Health Organization. …Health Organization. …healthcare, all of which are imminent and interconnected challenges…
Over 28,000 Primary Health Centers (PHCs) serve as the backbone of public healthcare in rural India. Yet access to quality care is still a serious issue, since PHCs are often too under-staffed, under-financed, under-equipped, or under-serviced to be able to provide round-the-clock care.Over 28,000 Primary Health Centers (PHCs) serve as the backbone of public healthcare in rural India. …health system, a 2015 NSSO survey found that over 72% of the rural population rely on private hospitals for treatment, spending an average of four times more than public care…
For communities perilously living in flood prone areas, access to basic resources and opportunities is a perpetual challenge. River islands especially lack basic infrastructure and services such as healthcare, education, power, drinking water and sanitation. People risk the weather and flooding rivers, and make long journeys in difficult terrains to get basic health services such as vaccination, mother and child care, medicines, minor operations, etc. Medical emergencies can be particularly harrowing. Same challenges are prevalent across the sundarbans in Bangladesh, coastal areas of Rakhine in Myanmar, the lakes of Cambodia, and many other areas. …healthcare, education, power, drinking water and sanitation. …health services such as vaccination, mother and child care, medicines, minor operations, etc…
Is Nigeria on the cusp of an energy access explosion? The award-winning Solar Nigeria program has already powered 172 schools and 11 health centers and is now working with private partners to bring solar to over 2.5 million homes. …health centers and is now working with private partners to bring solar to over 2.5 million homes…
“One For All” is a new civil society campaign that seeks to end energy poverty by ensuring universal access to clean, renewable, and affordable energy by 2030. Comprised of leaders from the global development, faith, philanthropy, women’s rights, and health sectors, One For All is inviting partners to help design and launch a global initiative to call upon mission driven investors to direct 1% of their assets in the form of grants and investment capital toward innovative projects that deliver clean, renewable, and affordable energy around the world. …health sectors, One For All is inviting partners to help design and launch a global initiative to call upon mission driven investors to direct 1% of their assets in the form of grants and investment capital toward innovative projects that deliver clean, renewable, and affordable energy around the world…
Energy access is not just about powering homes and businesses, but creating the energy needed to meet every one of our Sustainable Development Goals. These pioneering decentralized renewable solutions have the potential to plug billions into the information age, combat the biggest global threat to children's health and provide clean water to millions. Check out these five innovations that could help change the world. …health and provide clean water to millions. …health centers, refrigerating vaccines and being used by health workers in unelectrified regions…
Every day that families are trapped in energy poverty, there is a huge cost; a billion people lose out on the health, education, and opportunity that comes with access to clean, affordable power. Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) have much needed goals to end energy poverty but still focus most of their energy funding on projects that take many years to complete. Rapidly deployable decentralized renewables can bring energy access to millions much quicker. …health, education, and opportunity that comes with access to clean, affordable power…
India is one of the largest consumers of kerosene on an absolute and per capita basis. Because there are no accessible, affordable and established sustainable alternatives, poor rural households — especially in remote rural areas — continue to use kerosene as their primary lighting fuel despite the well-recorded health hazards. But this is changing, according to new policy analysis by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). …health hazards…