Political will and a call to action set the tone for Zambia's plan to electrify rural health facilities using solar to transform the quality of health services for underserved communities. The Action Plan aims to support the government’s goal of providing equitable quality health services for all as laid out in its Vision 2030. https://mailchi.mp/powerforall.org/zambia-turns-to-solar-to-boost-health-services?e=[UNIQID]
Daily power shortages at health clinics and hospitals in sub-Saharan Africa are a counteracting force towards universal health coverage. Decentralized renewable energy solutions are more reliable and much quicker to deploy presenting a huge opportunity for electrification of health facilities across developing rural communities. https://www.powerforall.org/insights/policy/powering-health-across-africa-through-covid-19-and-changing-climate
The concept of a ‘digital divide’ is about 20 years old. Yet nearly 60% of the world's population is still not connected to the internet. The rise of distributed renewables is changing the connectivity equation - for consumers, telecom companies, schools and health clinics. https://mailchi.mp/powerforall/april-2018-a-case-for-more-screen-time959929