Future-Ready Jharkhand RE-Powering Health Sector in Jharkhand.png

August 17, 2022

Power for All, JREDA, CEED

India Health, Decentralized Renewables

Future-Ready Jharkhand RE-Powering Health Sector in Jharkhand

According to the National Health Profile 2018, India is one of  the countries with the least public health spending. Maintaining a strong , sustainable health care system and  infrastructure which addresses the gaps in the sector can accelerate progress towards universal health care access.

Decentralised renewables can bridge the gap of unreliable power supply and provide a stable and clean source of power to health sectors across the country. The report ‘Future-Ready Jharkhand RE-Powering Health Sector in Jharkhand’ explores how decentralised energy can be an enabler of change for the health sector in Jharkhand.

Our survey findings highlight the current situation of health centres in the state  and elucidates the scope of DRE to bolster health services across Jharkhand.

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