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Campaign update: January 2021

Energy Catalyst launches new community hub

December 2020, Power for All and other consortium partners from across the UK, Africa, and Asia launched a new online platform to provide practical information and enable peer-to-peer networking for innovators developing technologies and business models to help end energy poverty. The new Energy Catalyst Community is the latest addition to the Energy Catalyst, a UK government-funded programme designed to accelerate access to sustainable energy in sub-Saharan Africa and South and Southeast Asia through grant funding, business acceleration support, and brokerage activity.

Utilities 2.0

Uganda Power Forum 2020

November 2020, the Uganda Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD) hosted a virtual session to discuss strategies for increased access to power, affordable power consumption, and reliability. During the session, Power for All’s Utilities 2.0 team presented the “opportunities for an integrated approach to energy access”, a pilot project which is being tested in Uganda in partnership with Umeme, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.



December 2020, Power for All along with WRI India and Asar Social Impact co-hosted the first Jharkhand energy collective virtual meeting. The collective aims to bring together civil society partners, Government stakeholders, and Local energy entrepreneurs to create a strong voice for the Uptake of DRE solutions in the key Energy enabled sectors like Livelihoods, Education, Agriculture, and Healthcare in the state of Jharkhand. 

Upcoming events

UN Food Systems Summit and High-Level Dialogue on Energy

Power for All will participate in a joint ministerial meeting of the UN Food Systems Summit & the UN High-level Dialogue on Energy on 20 January 2021, held as part of the IRENA Assembly and Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week. The meeting is intended to raise awareness of the Summits and identify potential outcomes – such as initiatives, targets, policies, and other concrete deliverables – with simultaneous food, energy, and climate benefits that can be considered for both Summits, as well as COP26. More information

ARE Technology & Innovation Forum

Power for All is a proud partner of the upcoming virtual “ARE Technology & Innovation Forum” on 27-28 January 2021. The target audiences of the event are private and public stakeholders from or active in emerging markets in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia-Pacific, especially technology providers, project developers, private investors, international funding partners, and policymakers. The Forum will feature high-level discussions on the status quo of technological advancement to support rural electrification with DRE in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia-Pacific. Click here to register and learn more


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