Africa Summit 2020

12 October | 09:00 (GMT) With the coronavirus pandemic, Africa has been hit by its biggest external shock since independence. Africa's response has been rightly praised, but the health and economic consequences will be severe. The Africa Summit will cover these most pressing issues.

COVID-19 & DRE Roundup

Power for All has created a comprehensive COVID-19 round-up that highlights the response by the decentralized renewable energy sector, including new recovery funding and technical assistance opportunities, but also what steps are being taken to accelerate electrification of rural health facilities.

Happy Birthday to Us!

Power for All was launched 5 years ago today on May 21, 2015. It's a time to celebrate, but also a time to reflect. We face great disruption in the world, compounded by an unprecedented health crisis. Our CEO Kristina Skierka writes about Power for All's incredible journey, our successes and struggles, and explores the road ahead for the decentralized renewable energy sector.

Interview with Babatomiwa Bayo-Ojo: Promoting Healthcare Service Delivery in Nigeria

In this podcast, the focus is on the installation of mini-grids in Karu Primary Health Centre in Abuja, Nigeria, by Volsus Energy. It represents the Volsus Solar for Health (VSFH) mini-grid program which is targeting to install 5,000 units of mini-grids across health centers to improve healthcare delivery services in Nigeria.

Decentralized renewable energy and healthcare

Power for All is working at the center of energy and health sectors to help scale decentralized renewable energy--mini grids and rooftop solar--that can solve these challenges quickly and cost effectively.

Fact Sheet: Solarizing Rural health Centers in Jharkhand

Nearly 38 million people in the state of Jharkhand, India, do not have access to critical and basic health services. Decentralized Renewable Energy can empower the 4000 rural health centers with reliable electricity, which will ensure quality health care for all in the state.

Ten Steps to Improving Rural Health Care in India

Health care and energy coalition release action plan to achieving universal health care powered by distributed clean energy.

Campaign Update: May 2022

Power for All was well represented at the Sustainable Energy for All Forum in Kigali, Rwanda. The team, led by our CEO Kristina Skierka, also co-chaired two-panel discussions at the event, ‘Transitioning to the Grid of the Future’ and ‘Powering Jobs: Building a Workforce to Meet the SGD 7 Challenge’. The Powering Jobs campaign kicked off its first steering committee meeting in Ethiopia and held its second in Uganda. We also have the initial findings from our health survey from Jharkhand State in India. Read on for these and other updates from our campaigns.

Vaccine cold chain is the beginning, not the end, for rural healthcare

Vaccine cold chain only a first step Refrigation for vaccines is essential to achieve global equity in the fight against COVID, but to ensure universal health care requires service-based models, a standardized and affordable supply chain of off-grid medical devices, and much great inter-sectoral collaboration to power 10s of thousands of unelectrified clinics.