
September 19, 2023

Power for All

Agriculture, Calls to Action

Powering Agriculture With Renewable Energy: A Just Transition for Food Systems

The modern, fossil-fueled agrifood system is a significant contributor to climate change, accounting for a third of GHG emissions. Its dependence on fossil fuels, combined with inequitable access to resources, renders it unsustainable. By decarbonizing the food system—particularly its energy sources—we can improve both global and local outcomes. Governments, farmers, and financiers all have roles to play in promoting renewable energy, paving the way for a localized, sustainable, and resilient food future.

Power for All is committed to ending energy poverty swiftly through the advocacy of distributed renewable energy. This research is a component of the "Powering Agriculture" campaign, which champions the integration of distributed renewable energy into the global food system.

See the Press Release here >>

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