
April 03, 2018

Power for All

Policy, Photographs

Decentralized Renewables: No Target, No Universal Electricity Access

Over the past year, Power for All and its campaign partners have worked to build a case for two things: 1. that achieving universal energy access before 2030 (SDG7) will only be possible with an order of magnitude increase in investment in DRE and 2. that governments must lead on creating a policy and regulatory framework for accelerated DRE deployment and make DRE an integral part of national integrated energy market design. Yet, as we discovered in the research for our new Call to Action -- less than one third of the 48 most electricity-poor countries have specific targets for DRE. The lesson: we cannot eradicate what we do not target.

(Note on data source: The World Bank's Global Tracking Framework (GTF) 2017 provides estimates of rural electrification, but were not published at the time of this analysis, so the IEA's World Energy Outlook data was used)

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