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April 04, 2017

Joe Rafalowicz

Calls to Action

Act Now

Act Now

To change the energy access trajectory we need to reach a huge audience: everyone from politicians to professors, energy users to investment bankers, local women's’ groups to tribal leaders. Help us spread the message and get this report in front of as many people as possible. While the traditional utilities have the cash, institutional reach and political influence, we have people power.

Suggested Tweets and Facebook Posts

  • NEW: Report IDs 5 policies to #endenergypovertyfaster & 3 steps to get there. Learn how at #SEforALLforum
  • Let's #endenergypovertyfaster with decentralized, clean energy. Find out how: #energyaccess #SEforALLforum 
  • Govts must set the target, end gaps & reform policy design to bring universal #energyaccess. NEW REPORT:
  • Learn what is required to #endenergypovertyfaster with @Power4All2025 's NEW REPORT:


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